Practice Yoga

We’re here to help you thrive

With years of personal and professional experience, Ray has been teaching yoga in Lahaina, Maui since 2007. Ray offers comprehensive guided classes, for yoga, meditation, and overall health and wellness. Classes and programs are designed to support student goals and help students reach their full potential.

Pose of the Week

Extended Side Angle Pose (Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Basic Alignment

-Ground the left foot so outer edge of foot lines up with back of mat. Push strong into back foot and engage muscles in the leg

-Bend right leg at the knee until thigh and calf from a right angle and thigh is parallel to the floor

-Place right hand on floor or block OR right elbow to right knee

-Stretch left arm out over left ear

-Keep head up

Stretch out in all directions, concentrating on the back body especially the spine.


Tones ankles, knees and thighs. Develops chest and lengthens side body, Opens the waist and hips


Yoga Philosophy 101 Workshop: Friday, August 12, 2022 5pm-7:15pm Island Spirit Yoga, Lahaina

Join Ray Mohrman for Yoga Deep Dive: “Yoga Philosophy 101” In this workshop students will learn the basic philosophies of traditional yoga. Topics include Patanjali’s 8 limbs of Yoga, Yamas (social moral codes) and Niyamas (inner observances). Students will be guided through an Asana (pose) practice with an emphasis on the 8 limbs, yamas and niyamas. The workshop is open to all levels.

Explore Ray’s full suite of programs both in person or online

Beach Front & Studio Locations

Join us for open air yoga classes at the Lahaina Jodo Mission as well as indoor classes at Island Spirit Yoga.

What our students are saying


“Ray’s yoga teachings take into account the deep facets of physical activity, but also complete phases of mind, body, and spirit. While rigorous and challenging, his focus concentrates on community while encouraging acceptance of self and non-judgment of others. It’s been a foundational mainstay for me the past 7 years, and as a former college athlete and current entrepreneur, it’s essential to keeping me fit and mentally fresh.”

Jeff Onderko

“I have practiced yoga with Ray for 10 years both at Jodo Mission and Island Spirit. Ray is a master teacher. His calm and centered voice was a constant for me through each practice. Each class is designed so that every student can be exactly where they are in body and mind on that day. I always feel better than when I came in after Ray’s class.”

Jennifer Loftus

“Ray’s mixed level class is my favorite. His inclusive, welcoming, and knowledgeable style of teaching has supported my growth and progress over the years which contributes to my optimal health and well being. Ray’s consistency and attention to alignment are some of his best qualities. I bring friends to his class every time they visit. It’s the best gift I can give them. He’s my favorite yoga teacher.”

Maria Pocaterra

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